Start Spreadin’ the News…

Most people recognize those words as the opening to the song made famous by Frank Sinatra, New York, New York.
But today, we are excited about spreading the Good News of the Gospel with children in Nashville.

In case you weren’t aware, our Vacation Bible School: Big Apple Adventure kicked off to a great start this morning. It was exciting to watch children and their parents pour into the building ready to take New York. VBS is a special time. And it can be a lifetime memory for most children.

For those of you that are part of The Fellowship 200, thank you for praying for VBS each day this week. And for those of you that are just joining us, I’d love to share with you some specific prayer requests for the week. Perhaps you can print this off and keep it handy. Will you join us in praying for the children, parents, and volunteers participating in VBS this week? Here is a suggestion guide:

Pray that the kids will have open hearts to hear the Word and connect what they hear with their actions.

Ask God to help kids see that our natural response to Jesus’ love should be to love Him.

Pray for the kids who do not know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Ask that God will begin to reveal His plan for their lives in His timing.

Ask God to reveal opportunities for the kids to tell others what they are learning about Jesus.

Pray that kids will have the courage to live out their faith and perform every action with love.

Thanks again for praying! We appreciate you.
Serving Alongside,

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